Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Conflict Resolvement

Everyone deals with conflicts differently or in their own way. Some people use the avoiding tactic. This is trying to stay away from the problem so one does not have to deal with it at that moment. Another way of dealing with conflicts is accommodation. This is letting the other individual have their way in the fight for the better of the relationship. The third way of dealing with a conflict is competing. This is where both individuals believe they are right and will not back down from their side in the fight. The next tactic is compromising. This is a give and take type of way of dealing with the issue at hand. Both individuals give up something they want to receive something on the other end. The final way of dealing with a conflict, which is the best, is collaborating. This is where both individuals work to find the best resolve for the problem. They work at the problem until both persons needs are met.
I use the competing style of dealing with a conflict. I like to be right all the time. The problem in that lies with my girlfriend. She also likes to be right, a lot. We butt heads and fight till the end all the time. Neither of us want to give up. I will stand my ground in a situation until one of two things happen. One, I get my way and usually feel like crap about it because by this time my girlfriend is really upset. Or two, I finally settle for a happy medium.
Both my girlfriend and I exert all of our options while competing to be right, until we finally have to stop and find solution that both of us can live with.


Intimacy is different for everyone as well as have some similarities. The word intimacy refers to a familiar and very close connection with another as a result of entering deeply or closely into relationship through knowledge and experience of the other. Genuine intimacy in human relationships requires dialogue, transparency, vulnerability and reciprocity. For a lot of people intimacy only involves the one element "physical." And for me its a big part as well, but its not the only part. I know a lot of people who make relationships only about the sex and it shows after not very long how the relationship works out. Not very well. For me relationships need to be well rounded in communication, intimacy and as well as time apart from one another to make the relationship stronger. I like to think that my intimate relationship has all four elements. Physical, Intellectual, Emotional, and finally sharing activities together. I really pride myself with spending time with my loved one doing fun and exciting things together so I don't find myself in a day to day rut of a relationship that's no fun anymore. We do things as simple as renting a movie and sitting on the couch eating popcorn all the way up to taking spur of the moment weekend trips up to Canada or Wisconsin Dells or something along those lines. I find myself venting to my loved one and sharing with her everything that's on my mind from experiences that I came across throughout my day. I also find her doing the same. We have a pretty strong relationship and are doing well in life. But like all good things, there is always room for improvement and we cant turn our heads from that.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Johari Window

Self disclosure lies in the hands of each individual person. I personally disclose different amounts of information to different people. My girlfriend is one of the people I trust most, along with my parents. With these people, I will tell almost anything that I have on my mind. I know that these people will support me with any problems I am having and will give me advice when I need it. With these people, I disclose information as simple as what I had for lunch that day all the way to personal information.
Now on the other hand, people that I do not know as well, I am a bit more closed in what I bring to the table. The way I see it, these people probably do not care what I had for lunch. When I first meet someone, I talk to them and try to figure out what common interests we share so I know what to talk about and what information I feel necessary to disclose with this other individual.
Self disclosure for some people has no boundaries. I have met quite a few people who will tell you their life story the minute you meet them. This bugs me. Usually I am preoccupied and do not really care about their life story the first minute I meet someone.